Kola - 1984 - Sandbox play mission - Updated 8th May 2024

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Kola - 1984 - Sandbox play mission - Updated 8th May 2024

Caricata da - Mr_Sukebe
Data - 04.05.2024 11:23:08
Map - Kola
Kola - 1984 - Sandbox play mission (updated - 8th May 2024)

<<< Updated 8th May 2024 to v.6 >>>

Want to get out and see the Kola map without putting much effort in, here we go.

This is a sandbox mission with no preset missions.
It does however include what I'd normally put into one of my more generic missions as the base ie.
- Period vaguely appropriate aircraft (i.e. F14s, F18s, Harriers, Viggens, Hueys, F1s, CC101s, Mig 19s, 21s, 24s, 8s, L39s etc), mostly cold start
- CTLD and CSAR pre-installed, with three CTLD pickzone points
- A carrier group including a US supercarrier and HMS Invincible
- Some potential targets for NATO aircraft drawn on the F10 map
- I've added mobile TACANs in the Swedish and Finland bases, check the frequencies files in the pictures
- x3 NATO tankers which can be launched from the F10 menu
- The cold war EWR template, as provided within the user files (my thanks to KLBI) - https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3337327/

Do enjoy

  • Licenza: Gratuito - Versione gratuita, distribuzione illimitata
  • Lingua: Inglese
  • Dimensione: 580.61 Kb
  • Scaricato: 312
  • Commenti: 2